NewsJuly 24, 2020

Adaaran Resorts Maldives Seeks Representative for Scandinavian Market

Adaaran Resorts Maldives is seeking a party to represent the group in Scandinavian market.

The Scandanavian market consists of countries Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.


Adaaran Resorts Maldives is looking for a representative to cover all sales and marketing activities in the region, said  Suresh Dissanayake, the Assistant Vice President of Sales Marketing of the group.

Interested parties are asked to send him a message via his LinkedIn.

Adaaran Resorts in the Maldives presents unparalleled luxury with a touch of tradition and each resort possesses a unique set of defining characteristics attracting guests from all over the world.

Adaaran, a subsidiary of Sri Lankan conglomerate Aitken Spence, runs five resorts in the Maldives: Adaaran Club Rannalhi, Adaaran Select Meedhupparu, Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi, and Adaaran Prestige Vadoo.