NewsFebruary 5, 2022

Launch of the Green Globe Sustainability Initiative at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives

On 3rd February 2022, Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives launched their Green Globe  Sustainability Initiative in style. The event was held to affirm the resort’s commitment to  sustainable tourism. Mr. Xu Jing, current Vice Chairman of Global Tourism Economy  Research Centre, and Former Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific of UNWTO,  inaugurated the event as Chief Guest. Mr. Faisal Naseem, Vice President of the Maldives,  Dr. Abdulla Mausoom, Minister of Tourism, and Dr. P. Mohamed Ali, Chairman of Kuda  Villingili Resort Maldives graced as guests of honour.  

The event took place at The Hawkers, where the Honourable guests planted native trees  of the Maldives, connecting with the nature and increasing our ecological footprint. This  activity is just a small step of the pledge the resort has undertaken towards long-term  sustainability and preserving the ecosystem for future generations. 


Mr. Xu Jing, who started his friendship with Maldivians in 1995 during his tenure in the  UNWTO as Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, expressed his sincere  congratulations for the launch of this event. He voiced, “With the launch of this Green  Globe Initiative, we mark another journey, not only for economic success but also for the  social benefits of the people of the Maldives.”  

Vice President of the Maldives, Mr. Faisal Naseem, warmly thanked all the staff working  in the tourism industry for its success. He conveyed his belief that the reason behind this  is everyone working together as one. “In an ever-changing world that faces substantial  climate change every day, it becomes essential to have better strategies for sustainable  tourism and a sustainable environment. Everything we do every day must contribute to  the protection of our environment,” he advised. 

Dr. Abdulla Mausoom, Minister of Tourism, concurred, “Following the global outcry about  global warming, President Ibrahim Solih has set our Net-Zero target for 2030. I am sure tourism will be a major player there.”

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