NewsJune 16, 2020

LUX* North Malé Atoll Celebrates Environment Day, Ocean’s Day

LUX* North Malé Atoll Resort & Villas has celebrated world environment day and world oceans day.

The resort celebrated World Environment Day on 05th June 2020 by planting 50 different variety of trees and a special dedication to healthcare heroes out there.


This Environment Day the world got together to create awareness about biodiversity and LUX* North Malé Atoll Resort & Villas have shared with the world the different varieties of trees and its benefits. The Maldives is known to be the flattest country in the world, hence the natural fertility of the soil is very low but little did we know that 300 categories of trees can be grown in the Maldives. LUX* North Malé Atoll team members from 16 different nationalities gathered to plant 50 trees of different variety ‘We may come from different corners of the world, yet one thing common that we have is Mother Nature. Let’s care for what matters. Collectively we can make a difference.’

In addition to this, addressing the current health crisis, the trees planted were dedicated to the healthcare heroes, who give us hope during these unprecedented times.

LUX* North Malé Atoll Resort & Villas celebrated World Ocean’s Day on 08th June 2020 highlighting the new ‘fish home’ project and house-reef cleanup.

“This year we celebrated the World Ocean’s Day by cleaning the house-reef and creating fish homes using rocks and dead corals that creates small structures for fishes to hide,” a statement by the resort read. “While assembling these fish homes, even before completion we were “attacked” by tiny damselfish that were defending their new home they had already moved into.”