NewsMarch 12, 2020

Maldives Declares Public Health Emergency | Key Things You Should Know

Speaking at a press conference held today by the Minister of Health, Abdulla Ameen has announced public health emergency in Maldives.

By the discretionary powers vested in the Minister of Health by the Section 33 of the 7/2012 Public Health Act the Minister has declared a State of Public Health Emergency for a period of 30 days from 12th March 2020.


In order to protect the well-being of the people, this is the first time Maldives has declared a public health emergency.

As per the law, implementation of a public health emergency means:

-Vaccination programs will be carried out to certain groups of people to protect from a diseases or virus.

-To identify the type of vaccines, and other related medical equipment needed and the group of people who need it the most.

-The right to close educational institutions and prohibit social gatherings.

– The right to restrict social gatherings at certain places at certain times.

-To provide medical assistance to the quarantined personnel.

-To bring a halt or control the land, sea and air transportation.

Please note that this is not a state of emergency.