NewsOctober 31, 2019

MMPRC Reveals List of Fairs & Roadshows For 2020

Maldives Marketing & PR Corporation (MMPRC) has revealed the tentative list of fairs and roadshows for the year 2020. The list includes over 27 fairs and exhibitions, 13 roadshows, more than 4 formal B2B networking events, and 2 informal networking sessions.

The first six months of 2019 recorded the biggest growth for the tourism industry in terms of arrivals in the past 5 years with 1.1 million tourist arrivals. By the end of 2018 a total of 1.4 million tourists visited the Maldives. The industry’s target is to receive 1.5 million tourist arrivals by the end of this year and MMPRC recently announced that Maldives tourist arrival rates are expected to reach this target by the end of November.


While the Maldives has had seen a decrement in the first and second quarters of the year due to off-season, the tourism sector is expected to see a boom with the approaching peak season as stated in MMA’s Business Review.

MMPRC is currently carrying out Fairs, Roadshows, Global campaigns, Joint campaigns, and Digital marketing activities focused on 23 markets. They have conducted a series of marketing activities including roadshows in South Africa, India, and Malaysia. MMPRC has also taken part in multiple international fairs such as ITB Berlin, EMITT, FITUR, ATM Dubai and OTM.

The organization has also been hosting Media teams worldwide to promote Maldives as part of a series of FAM Trips to increase exposure to the Maldives.

The tentative list of Fairs, Roadshows & Events for 2020.