NewsFebruary 4, 2025

Protecting Our Oceans: A Spotlight on the Marine Labs at Planhotel Resorts in the Maldives

Have you ever wondered why coral reef fish are so colourful, why corals grow so slowly, or how many turtles and mantas live in the Maldives? At Planhotel resorts, guests can uncover the mysteries of the ocean by actively engaging with the marine biologist team. Each island hosts a Marine Lab, staffed by a team of two to three marine biologists who assist with daily guest activities and conduct active research on coral reefs and their inhabitants. This luxury resort setting provides the perfect opportunity to engage and educate guests on environmental topics, creating memorable experiences that last long after their stay in the Maldives.

What makes the activities of Planhotel’s Marine Labs so special? A key element is the ongoing partnership between Planhotel and the University of Milano-Bicocca in Italy, as well as their research centre MaRHE in the Maldives. This collaboration enables scientists and students to conduct research at Diamonds and Sandies resorts, inviting guests to witness, understand, and even participate in the process of discovering the secrets of coral reefs. The mission is clear: to bring cutting-edge science within reach of the public by sharing not only the latest research findings but also demonstrating how new knowledge is gathered. Together, they aim to answer questions such as, “Which corals do we need to plant today to secure the coral reefs of tomorrow?”, “How can chocolate help to save the reef?”, or “Can you tell what creatures live in the reef from a bucket of water?” and many more.


Planhotel’s prestigious internship programme offers marine science students the opportunity to gain practical work experience in the Maldives and share their passion for the oceans with guests by learning to communicate environmental topics in an exciting and practical way. The Marine Lab aims to prove that science is fun and not just about graphs and numbers. Everyone can participate and be a marine biologist and ocean hero for a day. Whether it’s planting corals with the marine team, helping to identify individual turtles, mantas, or whale sharks, or checking the health of the reef, there’s something for everyone. For example, in October 2024, the Marine Lab teams from all Planhotel islands joined forces with the guests and staff of Diamonds Thudufushi to launch the largest coral restoration project in the Maldives, planting approximately 15,000 corals on 1,000 reef stars within one week. This initiative proves that together, meaningful differences can be made, giving the oceans a chance to preserve their stunning beauty.

By learning a little about the wonders of the sea and its magnificent creatures, big and small, guests can join Planhotel in making a positive impact on the marine environment.

“We only protect what we love, we only love what we understand, and we only understand what we are taught.” ― Jacques-Yves Cousteau